8 February 2013

Love Letter from Groom to Bride

Posted by Tiya Andini
To: My very lovely other half Sora…

We met in September last year. (It was) A very cold day then but now even hot summer has passed. Seeing the season when we met is coming again, I feel like time flies so quickly… It seems that this is the first time in my life that I felt so nervous and trembled so much when meeting someone in the first encounter..Although we could not do so many things together nor see each other often, it seems that we could feel each other’s hearts.

I feel like losing my mind when the thought that there is such a beautiful woman in this world came to me. I always longed for the day when we could meet and pondered how to make Sora smile more and be even much happier. It seems that I am always worried about how to make you happy every single day.

Even though I know that time flies quickly like this, I regret that I should be more expressive and love you more…

It will be great if this becomes Sora’s beautiful and precious memory regardless of time…

How was Lee Teuk like when he was Sora’s husband?? I felt like I am undeserved to receive so much love from this woman. It would be better if I were slightly much handsome, taller and muscular. Being such a deficient husband, I am very thankful and grateful for your highest compliments and your efforts as always!!

Thank you for treasuring and taking care of this husband. I hate to say words related to departure but this is the exclusive priviledge for people in love. Even if I am not around, please don’t get sick, stay healty and smile always. Please have delicious food and meals properly. Often think of me at times ^___^

To the woman who is my wife, whose name is Kang Sora. And thank you to the woman who gave me beautiful memories together!!

With my heart…

I love you!!

Groom Teuk

-credit to tumblr, as tagged-

Itu adalah surat dari LeeTeuk buat Kang Sora, his on-screen wife (istri dalam program We Got Married).

Meskipun surat ini dibuat dengan latar perpisahan "pernikahan virtual" mereka, tapi entah mengapa gw merasa kata-kata di surat ini asli dari perasaannya LeeTeuk buat Kang Sora. Well, mungkin pendapat gw ini bisa dianggap agak bias juga karena gw shipper mereka, alias gw amat sangat 100% mendukung kalo mereka emang pacaran beneran dan nikah nantinya. Ada banyak hal yang membuat mereka cocok dan ada banyak hal yang membuat Kang Sora bisa diterima sebagai pacarnya LeeTeuk oleh fans-nya SJ. 

Anyway, balik lagi ke suratnya LeeTeuk di atas. Kalo sampe gw dapet surat semacam ini, gw sepertinya akan bingung karena di satu sisi ini tentang perpisahan, tapi di sisi lain ii menunjukkan betapa cintanya laki-laki terhadap seorang wanita. Gw ga bisa jelasin dengan kata-kata kenapa gw bisa bilang seperti itu, tapi saat ngebaca surat ini, rasanya hati gw tersentuh, bahkan gw nangis saat pertama kali denger surat ini dibacain LeeTeuk di episode terakhir WGM mereka. It's beautiful yet painful. 

Kadang gw mikir lewat surat ini LeeTeuk seolah-olah bilang perasaan sesungguhnya dia ke Sora, bukan untuk keperluan acara semata. It's like a confession and there's a hidden message. Gw merasa lewat surat ini LeeTeuk pengen ngelanjutin hubungannya sama Sora di luar acara. Entah mengapa surat ini berasa alat yang digunakan LeeTeuk buat mengungkapkan kejujuran perasaan dia dan sedikit pesan selama Leeteuk wajib militer supaya Sora selalu jaga kesehatan, dan *walaupun ga ditulis secara blak-blakan* untuk Sora supaya nunggu LeeTeuk balik dari wajib militer 2 tahun ke depan. Kenapa gw bisa dapet insight macam gini? Karena gw ga merasa LeeTeuk mengungkapkan tentang perpisahan selamanya dan putus hubungan, tapi lebih kepada perpisahan sementara: "Jaga diri ya selama gw ga ada, gw akan kembali sebagai laki-laki yang lebih baik nanti!"

Well,  ini hanya insight pribadi gw, belum tentu benar, tapi siapa tau ga salah? ;) Menyenangkan lho bikin asumsi-asumsi pribadi tentang dunia selebriti K-Pop. Semakin tertutup mereka, semakin menggila imajinasi para fans-nya. hahahaha..

Oh ya, post ini juga dalam rangka merayakan hari valentine yang jatuh di bulan februari ini. Jadi, banyak yang bilang bulan februari = bulan cinta gitu dehh..hahaha.. Happy Valentine day! Keep loving! Keep Caring! ;)


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