23 October 2015

Headache and Falling-in-Love are bestfriend

Posted by Tiya Andini 2 comments

Lately, I have interest with someone. For me, he looks kinda uhm.. weird, but on another side he is charming, at least for me . I didn't know many things about him, but it's like there's a magnet from him that makes me wants to know more about him. For me, he is not really handsome and sometimes his gestures  are quite 'off-beat'. I don't know about his daily works, but I think he is a smart person, even thought his GPA is not really good. I think he have a good commitment with his responsibility. Once a time, I heard he is humming a song, and I thought he has a good voice. He is shy, have a difficulty on expressing his mind. Until now, his charming points for me are his attitude: cool and weird, and his commitment. But I'm not really sure, shall I continue this feeling? because  there are 2 things that I need to know about him, first, his girlfriend and second is his religions. 

I write this post after a long-thought, and since I can hold it myself anymore, I decided to share it with you.

20 October 2015

My Old Post

Posted by Tiya Andini 0 comments


3 November 2010 at 18:11
Saya bukan kamu dan kamu juga bukan saya.

Saya tidak bisa menjadi seperti kamu dan kamu juga tidak bisa menjadi seperti saya.

Jangan paksa saya untuk menjadi seperti kamu karena saya tidak pernah memaksa kamu untuk menjadi seperti saya.

Biarkan kita berkembang menurut keyakinan kita masing-masing karena lagi-lagi keyakinan saya bukan keyakinan kamu dan keyakinan kamu juga bukan keyakinan saya.

Bukan saya ingin membeda-bedakan kita, tapi saya rasa apa yang berbeda di antara kita itulah yang membuat kita bisa bersatu, seperti potongan puzzle yang memiliki bentuk yang berbeda-beda tapi saling melengkapi satu sama lain.

Yang saya harapkan, jangan sampai hanya karena apa yang berbeda di antara kita membuat hubungan kita tidak bisa berjalan searah. Saya yakin kita memiliki tujuan yang sama, tapi memang kita punya cara sendiri-sendiri untuk sampai sana. Dan dalam perjalanan itu kita mungkin akan saling bertemu dan betukar informasi mengenai rute terbaik yang harus dipilih.

Jalan saya dan jalan kamu mungkin berbeda, tapi saya yakin arah perjalanan kita sama.

I happen read some of my facebook notes and found this post. Never thought I can read this kind of post. Seems like I have an argue with my friend and then I expressed my emotion through this post.

Just wanna share to you since I think it's a good post that will help you to understand people and life. 

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