Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Random Favorite Lyrics #5

To you in the future 
Without regrets
I always wanna wait
That way, my heart will be at ease
Although you lose the way
Though it will take long
While you're going round and round 
But its fine if you find me again
Even if its far in the future

But still, don't cry
Though it will be sad
I will faintly stay here for you

Taken from Seventeen Vocal Team's Song - Pinwheel
credits: here

Thursday, 5 October 2017

끝이 안보여

Can’t see the end, the questions continue, I ask myself again and again
If I can endure through these things, then as if it’s nothing, I say, why can’t I?
Actually, it’s been really hard.
The fact that there’s not a single person who will listen to my secrets that I’ve been keeping makes me sad
This reality makes me cry.

Can’t see the end

I ran all the way from the start without rest, but why?
Where did my usual self go? What am I chasing after every day?
I pray every day that it won’t be a lie when I say I’m ok, but why are the expectations so high?
I wipe away the bursting tears, I think of my family and dream once again

Can’t see the end, leave me alone. Actually, I’m miserable.

Feels like I’m floating in space, I don’t know where to go

But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I feel like I can be a light

-Translation lyrics of "Seventeen - Can't See The End"-

Friday, 30 June 2017

Random Quick Post #30

Kau seperti malaikat pelindungku, berikan cahaya di setiap sepiku. Namun mengapa kau hempaskan aku?

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Random Quick Post #29

You can't always depend to others.
You can't always trust someone's promise.
You can't always expect people to hold their words
You can't always believe in them, even he/she is your best friend.
Just believe in Him. Always.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


I see your sad back hidden behind the flashy lights and busy schedules
For your heavy shoulders as you worry about what you want to do and what you have to do
For you, who lays in a dark room alone, not able to love the person you love
For you, who is holding on to your heart that is collapsing in reality
and is going forward once again
When I hear your footsteps, greeting you with a smile
That is the only gift that I could give you
Are you feeling sick anywhere? Was it hard?
Don’t worry about me, I just need you to be okay
When your heart is aching, when no one is there for you, just come here. 
Roy Kim - Home
Thanks God, He introduce me to Roy Kim's songs. I've been in hard days recently and Roy Kim's songs are good source of strength. Its like his songs are telling a story of mine. Listening to his voice makes me warm and comfortable. Even though it didn't change anything, but at least i feel strong enough to face this life. Also, he can always makes me smile because of his cuteness and weirdness

Monday, 22 May 2017

Random Quick Post #28

My dream is very small, it's just to sit with you on this bench filled with fallen leaves, just to sit with you till sunset.

Monday, 15 May 2017

사랑에 빠지고 싶다

I exercise, and I work hard I watch movies every weekend too Going to the bookstore, falling into the book, and my heart palpitates at another strange world
A life like this seems pretty fine, and I am living really good But,
Why I'm so lonely?
Tears come into my eyes

My life seems so fantastic then,
Loneliness comes, and asks me:
Are you really happy at this moment?

I answer:
I'm very lonely
What is the reason for my existence? What is love? I've been always curious about it I'm so lonely living my life
What is life? Why is it so lonely?

-A song by Kim Johan-

사랑에 Love
빠지고 → Falling
싶다 Want

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Tentang Menjadi Seorang FanGirl

Teman-teman, orang tua dan kakak saya tahu benar kalau saya menyukai K-Pop. Jadi mereka tidak heran kalau lihat saya selalu menghabiskan waktu dengan dunia K-Pop, entah menonton variety shownya, dramanya, atau mendengar musiknya. Kalau dilihat di social media, postingan saya pun pasti sekitar korean culture. Lagu-lagu di handphone saya pun 80% lagu berbahasa korea. Banyak yang nanya sih, emang ngerti artinya dengerin lagu korea? Dengan PD saya akan bilang: Yes. Bukan bermaksud sombong, tapi saya pribadi kalau mendengarkan lagu korea pasti akan saya cari tahu dulu artinya.

Well, bisa dibilang akhir-akhir ini kesukaan saya terhadap K-Pop tidak se-intens dulu. Saya masih mendengarkan lagu korea, saya masih menonton variety shownya, saya juga masih menonton dramanya. Tapi, ya itu. Saya tidak segila dulu. Kalau dulu, setiap acara yang saya tonton atau setiap video klip kesukaan band favorit saya (baca: Super Junior) dirilis, saya pasti akan download videonya dan saya tonton seharian. Beruntungnya, masa-masa gila itu saya lewati ketika tahun-tahun terakhir kuliah, jadi saya punya waktu cukup untuk menikmati kegiatan fangirl seperti itu. 

Menjadi seorang fangirl bukan hal yang buruk, walaupun masih ada orang-orang yang memandang negatif hal ini. Buat saya sih, selama tidak berlebihan, apapun itu baik untuk kehidupan kita. 
Setelah sekitar 5 tahun jadi seorang fangirl, banyak hal yang saya dapatkan:

1. Belajar bahasa inggris. Saya ini bisa dibilang paling bodoh di antara teman-teman semasa SMA dan kuliah dalam hal bahasa inggris, bahkan saat SMA saya seringkali ikut ulangan perbaikan bahasa inggris. Sekarang, saya lebih pede berbahasa inggris karena saya sering nonton acara korea dengan subtitle bahasa inggris. Saya dapat banyak kosakata baru dan terbiasa membaca sesuatu dalam bahasa inggris. Bagusnya hal ini juga mendukur kehidupan kantor saya yang banyak menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam berkomunikasi. 

2. Belajar bahasa korea. Yang ini hanya sedikit sih, tidak seperti saya belajar bahasa inggris. Karena tidak teman untuk melatihnya, jadi saya hanya sebatas mengerti kata-kata dasar dalam bahasa korea. Yaaa..lumayan untuk bekal kalau-kalau saya punya kesempatan ke Korea di masa yang akan datang. Amin. 

3. Belajar banyak soal pelajaran hidup. Saya banyak dapat pelajaran hidup dari artis yang saya sukai, bagaimana perjuangan mereka jadi idola papan atas, sampai cerita masa lalu mereka yang membentuk diri mereka menjadi sosok seperti sekarang ini. Selain itu, saya juga jadi tahu banyak soal budaya korea, yang pada akhirnya membuat saya memutuskan untuk menolak kalau saya diminta tinggal jadi warga di sana ataupun menikah dengan orang korea. Alasannya? Yaaa sebut saja manusia seperti saya tidak akan bisa bertahan dengan budaya mereka yang mementingkan penampilan luar (kecantikan). Dari drama korea pun saya banyak belajar hal-hal yang tidak saya dapatkan ketika saya nonton sinetron Indonesia. Saya akan share salah satu drama yang baru saya tonton di postingan saya berikutnya. :)

3 Hal di atas hanya sedikit bahasan mengenai apa yang saya dapatkan dari menjadi seorang fangirl. Ada banyak hal-hal lainnya juga. 

Intinya, "It's not a bad thing to idolize someone or something, as long we can learn from it. Because basically life is about learning something from somewhere and someone." 


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Drama Quotes #2

Rather than the words "It's not a big deal" or "It will be okay", the fact that there is someone else with the same pain as me is a thousand times more comforting.

Quotes from Korean Drama "Another Oh Hae Young"

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Random Favorite Lyrics #4

Like the wind, you messed up my heart
But maybe for a long time
I’ve been waiting for you

Maybe I - Roy Kim

Monday, 6 March 2017

Drama Quotes #1

Still, lets stay strong. 
Some people might shine later in life. 
There must be people like that, right?

In a person's life, there is a time when they encounter God. 
When you felt like you were growing distant from the world, 
if someone pushed you closer to the world,
that was God passing by in your life.

-Taken from Korean Drama, 도깨비 ep. 16-

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Random Quick Post #27

I pray that in our next life the wait will be short and the meeting will be long.

-a quote from Korean TV Series: Guardian (2017)-

Monday, 23 January 2017

Quick Random Post #26

There's no easy way, it gets harder each day.
Please love me or I'll be gone.