Tuesday, 10 December 2019

A Merry Little Christmas

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Already December

Its already end of 2019 and I still haven't posted any meaningful things. Well, I'm pretty much busy with my real life, and on the other side I keep forgetting to write some update. 
Currently I'm busy with my fangirl life and personal life. Most of my friends know that I'm a Carat, fan of South-Korea Boyband called Seventeen. I just watched their concert 2 weeks ago (Middle of November) in Istora Senayan. The concert is as usual Seventeen type: Attractive, Charming, and Nerdy. Maybe I will write about Seventeen and my fangirl activity on the next post, hopefully by this December. 

Also, I've been busy with my mind and my real life. Lots of worry came to my mind. Many things happen with myself, my family, my friends, and also my work. Honestly, I'm struggling so much. Not because the things that happen, but the things I'm worried about. Worry about my job, my friend who's getting married, my friends who's going to be a mother next year, my friends who's having some hard times with her marriage life, and my friends who's living far from Indonesia. And also, worry about my own love life. That will be a long essay if I write about my love life I think. Maybe later I will write it, but not sure since I will pretty much forget what to write once my hand is lay on the keyboard. 

2019 is near the end. Hopefully I can end it with happiness, just like how it starts. I wish everyone will find their happiness, and also I sincerely pray I will find my happiness soon. 

See you in 2020! 

Monday, 19 August 2019

Catatan ke Dua Puluh Sembilan

Bahagia itu kondisi yang kamu ciptakan sendiri. Orang lain tidak bertanggungjawab untuk membuat kamu bahagia. Maka dari itu, definisi bahagia untuk setiap orang berbeda-beda dan berubah-ubah. Semakin bertambah dewasa, kebahagiaan itu bisa kamu dapatkan dengan berbagai cara yang sederhana. Kamu akan lebih banyak bersyukur dengan hal kecil. Kamu lebih banyak merasa cukup dengan yang sudah kamu dapatkan. Kamu belajar menerima keadaan.

Hidup adalah suatu perjalanan yang di dalamnya terdapat proses pembelajaran, belajar untuk berjuang, belajar untuk bahagia, belajar untuk menerima, dan belajar untuk bersyukur.

Catatan ke Dua Puluh Sembilan, ditulis dengan penuh rasa syukur.


Wednesday, 13 February 2019


Secretly laughing, secretly crying
While hiding my state of mind
The day that seems too much for me passes by
Today, too, the words can't be said
And can only be reflected in one's heart
It's hard, it's hard, it's hard

Whenever it's hard for you
You can get a hug from me
I am the same
No matter how much you hide it
You know you can't hide it forever
So we can smile together

Don't be sorry, don't worry
Don't be scared, now don't cry
To me you are very precious

You can tell me today was tough
I am here, you suffered a lot
I love you
I will hug you

-A Song by Seventeen, Title: Hug-

I wish someone will sing this song for me, wholeheartedly.