Tuesday, 22 November 2016

The Manual

Gently, romantically, and warmly hug her
Use this once every day

When your soft eyes meet hers, smile
Makes her laugh and say "Hey what’s up beauty", 

Get up first in the morning, turning on jazz
Gentle kiss,and looking at her
When you’re too tired, take two bottles of soju
And honestly knock on her door

Sometimes, leave together without a plan
Let her breathe under a different sky, a different wind
Sometimes just kiss her out of the blue
Just like the day you fell for her without reason

When it’s time to sleep, with a low voice, quietly, make her tear as you say
that you're grateful for her everyday

Get up first in the morning and clean up mess last night,
and wake her up

When you’re walking her home, don't walk too fast
With a low voice, confess to her

I’m rational in front of other girls
But strangely with her I'm always emotional
She is too precious to use
Just looking at her drives me crazy
I want to use you forever
Oh my girl

Gently, romantically, and warmly hug her
Use this once every day

When it’s time to sleep, quietly make her tear as you say
that you're grateful for her everyday

This beautiful girl, don’t lose her.
Song by: Eddy Kim

Translation taken from popgasa and KBSWorld

Friday, 11 November 2016

Random Old Feelings

Just read a memory from my facebook page this morning and it led me to open his Facebook profile and also his blog. And here I am now, lingering of that old feelings. Missing my old memories. Laughing at my brave yet now I feel silly action towards him. Still, I don' regret it at all. I thankful for all the things that happened to me when I was in love with him.

Come to think of it, he was my first love.

Yes, it's you. Langit Biru.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Quick Random Post #25

I thought that people only got lost when they tried to go somewhere and I thought that people's lives only got hard because they set objectives. 

But staying in the same place for too long makes you lose your way too.

Quotes from "Age of Youth", Korean Drama Series

Monday, 29 August 2016

Random Favourite Lyrics #3

It's been hard wakin' up, wakin' up to the truth
I've been so blind, couldn't see for love no.

Tried my best to ignore it, wish the pain away
But just like tomorrow, its coming round again. 

Thought I gave you the best, but it wasn't enough
You took advantage of my trusting heart.

Tried my best to forgive you, did my best to forget
I am done with the tears and there are no regrets.

Please don't treat me like a fool.

Title: Don't Treat Me Like a Fool
Singer: Blue

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Sure, he does. 

Friday, 15 July 2016


Let me introduce you to my new favorite song, its called "Ribbon" by BEAST, a southkorean boy-band. I liked this song so much because of the lyrics and the philosophy of the song

The once tight knot is now becoming undone
The break up that I questioned has come close, for real
This moment right now is probably the hardest for me
Don’t worry, I still don’t resent you

Even if I lose everything, I can’t turn things back
I can’t even keep what’s precious
My miserable self, my closed lips
I couldn’t hold onto you

We’ve come undone
But I want to prettily tie us back together
With all our strength, we can both pull
So our love can be tied into a knot again

Tie up a ribbon, so it won’t come undone
Tie up a ribbon, so we won’t lose each other
If it’s still not too late, If you feel the same way

The composer explain where does the idea came from. It was when he use a hotel gown after taking shower. He already tie the hotel gown very tight, but suddenly it become undone when he walks in the corridor. He then compare this sudden untied hotel gown with a relationship. Even a tight gown can become undone, moreover a relationship, you can face a sudden break up. 

And this morning I have the same experience with the composer. I have tied my shoelace twice and very tight, but suddenly as I walking the shoelace become untied. It makes me realize that once you let your guard down, anything can happen.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Random Favourite Lyrics #2

It's not like nobody's good enough for me
I just don't quite feel like it

It’s so frustrating, it’s so strange
Things keep going awry
What is the problem?

Whoever I meet, it’s so so
Being alone is so so
Not so exciting, but not that bad
I’m losing my senses, I’m forgetting how to love

I do get jealous of couples, how lucky
I'm not that lonely being alone, it’s bearable
My phone is quiet and I'm free on weekends
The only thing I hate is myself in front of the TV

I’m so curious, it’s so cool
How people fall in love
Everyone but me is doing it

Where are you, what are you doing? Have you even been born yet?
Please appear before me now, the one who I’ll give my heart to
As soon as I see him, I wanna hug him

I make an effort but it’s so so,
I try but it’s so so
My heart’s not moved, it’s not fun, it’s just so so
I don’t even remember when the last time my heart raced

I wanna like someone
I wanna be in love

Title: So So (쏘쏘)

Artist: Baek Ah Yeon

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Random Favourite Lyrics #1

I don’t know how to forget you
So I ask other people
How do I do it?

The first thing I learned is to not cry without you
Second, to not walk alone
Third, even if it hurts, to not call your name 
and look for your warm hands

Title: Three Things I Have Left
Artist: Baek Ah Yeon

Friday, 10 June 2016

Random Favourite Lyrics #0

You gotta help me, I'm losing my mind
Keep getting the feeling that you want to leave this all behind
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren't we?

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Monday, 23 May 2016

Quick (not) Random Post #1

I don't want to give up. I want to fight for it. 
But, what if the other decide to give up? So who am I fighting for ?

I started to missing you, not because I failed to replace you. I'm missing you just because I miss you. I miss our time, our laugh, our stories, our quarrel, our craziness.....everything about us. 
How about you?

And you know what? You're irreplaceable, my friends. 

Sunday, 3 April 2016


Sewaktu saya kelas 3 SMP dulu, saya ikut acara retreat bersama teman-teman sekelas. Di acara itu masing-masing kelas membuat name tag untuk masing-masing anak. Kebetulan name tag kelas saya cukup unik, dibuat dari CD bekas pakai lalu diberi hiasan bibir dan rambut, ya nampak mirip dengan wajah seseorang. Selain hiasan dan nama, di name tag itu ada 2 sifat yang dituliskan, sifat baik dan sifat buruk setiap anak, otomatis setiap orang memiliki tulisan yang berbeda-beda. Saya cukup lupa siapa yang "menilai" lalu menuliskan 2 sifat saya di name tag itu. Dan sejujurnya saya pun lupa sifat baik apa yang dituliskan di name tag saya, namun saya ingat sifat buruk saya di name tag itu adalah:egonya tinggi. Saya tidak terlalu aware dengan tulisan itu ketika SMP, namun sekarang saat mengingatnya lagi, saya berfikir apa iya ego saya sangat tinggi bahkan ketika SMP? Jaman kuliah dulu, kalau dipikir-pikir ego saya dibanding teman-teman yang lain memang cukup tinggi. Namun sekarang...entahlah., saya sih berfikirnya ego saya ditekan habis-habisan. Entah sejak kapan, tapi saya mulai sering mengalah dengan yang lain. Mungkin sejak kuliah, sejak saya jauh dr orang tua. Mungkin.

Mengapa tiba - tiba saya  memikirkan hal ini? Ya karena tadi itu, saya merasa ego saya sangat ditekan habis oleh kenyataan dan lingkungan. Masih ada sih beberapa hal yang saya paksakan dengan ego saya, tapi itu bukannya yang sifatnya emosional, misal: ego ketika memilih waktu ketemuan dengan teman. Saya sebagai manusia yang "punya jadwal hidup", sangat tidak bisa kalau jadwal hidup pribadi saya diganggu oleh rencana tiba-tiba. Saya harus punya persiapan 1 hari untuk menyusun jadwal. Jadi, ketika pagi membuka mata, saya sudah punya rencana apa saja yang akan saya lakukan. Jangan salahkan saya kalau saya menolak ajakan ketemuan jam 7 malam yang baru diajukan jam 6 sore. *kecuali untuk case-case tertentu*

Jadi ego saya yang sebelah mana yang dihabisi? Ego saya untuk membagi cerita dan berkeluh kesah. Dari dulu saya ini *kata teman-teman* orangnya enak jadi tempat curhat, jadi teman-teman sering cerita soal masalah mereka dengan saya. Saya pun tidak keberatan dengan hal itu, saya justru merasa terharu karena mereka bisa memberikan kepercayaan kepada saya. Terima kasih banyak teman-teman. Tapi, akhir-akhir ini saya sudah mulai gusar dengan perasaan saya sendiri. Ya saya juga masih suka bercerita dengan mereka, tapi saya sih merasanya frekuensinya cukup menurun drastis. Tahun ini bagi saya cukup berat untuk dihadapi, ada angin segar tapi juga ada badai, Angin segar bisa saya nikmati sendiri, atau bahkan saya coba bagi dengan orang lain, Tapi, angin badai di hidup saya ini sudah  terlalu lama berlangsungnya, dan parahnya lagi saya merasa tidak ada yang mau menemani saya menghadapi atau bahkan meredakan badai itu, malah ada juga yang menambah angin badainya. Di satu sisi saya kecewa, kemana mereka saat saya seperti ini. Tapi di sisi lain saya khawatir, apa yang terjadi dengan diri mereka sehingga mereka tidak bisa bersama saya? Jangan-jangan ada badai yang lebih besar di hidup mereka. Pemikiran yang terakhir ini yang *menurut saya* selalu membuat saya menekan ego soal perasaan saya. Di satu sisi saya mempertanyakan keberadaan mereka, di satu sisi saya khawatir dengan mereka.

Sebenarnya tulisan ini masih ada hubungannya dengan lagu di post terakhir saya.

I trusted you so much more than anyone else, maybe that's why the scars are bigger.

Bahkan mulai ada pemikiran di diri saya. apa mereka sebenarnya ingin memutuskan hubungan dengan saya? Apa saya berbuat salah pada mereka? Apa sebegitu memalukannya berteman dengan saya? Saya hanya memiliki mereka. Kalau mereka pergi, mau apa saya di hidup ini?

Sunday, 13 March 2016


Again today, in an empty room
I hear the lonely clock hands
Another meaningless day is passing
Even smiling feels awkward now
Everything feels empty
What do I do? What do I do?
Without a word, you just left me
My heart trusted you so much but it broke down
I’m still hurting
Because I trusted you more than anyone else
My scars are even bigger
You didn’t even say sorry
In front of the mirror, do you see yourself?
Even if you pretend nothing’s wrong, you’ll think of it
I cared for you more than anyone else
It hurts so much, what do I do? 
I pretend to be okay without you
I’m doing well, as if I’m happy
People around me ask about you
I don’t know but I’m sure you’re doing well too
I’m so busy, so much work to do

I have no time to think about you
I took off all the dirty clothes
Finally I know what’s me
I’m finally starting a bright tomorrow
You be careful too, I hear you talk about me
Stop with your fake attitude
You always lied to me and then you left me
So you probably wanna come back to me
But now I don’t need you
You left without saying anything
I guess that’s how distant we were
Now I feel your heart
You and I resembled each other more than anyone
That’s why the scars are bigger

You didn’t even say sorry
In front of the mirror, do you see yourself?
Even if you pretend nothing’s wrong, you’ll think of it

I cared for you more than anyone else
It hurts so much, what do I do? no
I laugh like a crazy person
Then pretend like nothing’s wrong
As a day passes
People say I look sad
Even when I pretend that nothing’s wrong
But I can’t hide my heart because of my sad eyes
I’ll forget you as the days go by
But my heart still hurts, what do I do? no
I pretend to be okay without you
A Masterpiece from MBLAQ, they latest song called Mirror (거울). I think it suits my feelings so much recently. I feel lonely and sometimes abandoned from this world and I try to pretend everything is okay, but when I'm alone I feel that pain and I sometimes can't help myself to not cry. 
I trusted you so much more than anyone else, maybe that's why the scars are bigger.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Ternyata Bukan Jodohnya

Layaknya orang yang akan naik angkutan umum. Ketika mencoba memberhentikan angkutan di pinggir jalan, si sopir melaju tidak memperhatikan calon penumpang. Angkutan umum berlalu begitu saja, calon penumpang sedih karena gagal naik angkutan umum untuk pulang ke rumahnya. 
Namun yang si calon penumpang tidak tahu, dia hampir saja naik angkutan yang salah, angkutan itu tidak sesuai dengan jurusan jalan ke rumahnya. 

Sama saja seperti jodoh. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016


I'm trying my best not to stuck on you, but you always in my head everyday. When I'm on my way home, I think of what are you doing now, have you arrived safely to your home, or what kind of task that makes you got home late from the office. 

I just can only wondering about these, because I don't have any courage to ask you directly. And even I ask you, you're not going to tell me, you always give silly answer for my question. 

Until now, I don't know where all this feelings going to. I hope you show me the way and it's end in you. 

I hope it's you. 
I hope it's me. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

Quick Random Post #23

Saya tidak pernah menyangka kalau jatuh hati akan seperti ini menderitanya. Apalagi jatuh hati dengan lelaki seperti dia. Cuek. Pendiam. Tidak Ekspresif. Pasif. Dia seperti punya dunia sendiri. Tapi entah mengapa di satu sisi saya punya keyakinan kalau dia punya sisi lain yang belum dia tampilkan pada semua orang. Sisi serius dan easy going miliknya. Saya pikir nampaknya dia agak minder dengan dirinya sendiri. Padahal dia punya potensi untuk menampilkan sesuatu yang lebih kepada lingkungannya. Tapi dia enggan untuk menampilkannya atau tidak percaya diri untuk menampilkannya. 
Itu yang membuat saya punya keyakinan soal hal ini terhadap dia. Saya ingin menyadarkan dia bahwa dia punya banyak potensi yang bisa ditampilkan. Saya ingin membuat dia percaya diri. 
Yang saya takut, itu semua hanya pemikiran saya. 
Dan saya baru menyadari hari ini, kalau saya selama ini tidak membantu dia untuk menyadari potensinya, tapi malah melukai hatinya. *Yang mana saya tidak yakin juga kalau dia sadar kalau kata-kata saya membuatnya terluka, tapi saya yakin hal yang saya ucapkan itu akan secara tidak sadar membentuk pola pikir dia*

Ini membuat saya menemukan resolusi untuk 2016: Berhenti menunjukkan sisi negatif dari orang lain, dan mulai menunjukkan sisi positifnya. Ucapkan pujian, jangan hinaan, sekecil apapun itu.