Thursday, 11 August 2011


You can't just get angry cause the world is not going the way you want it to be, you don't need to
Stop worrying over little things, it's not good for your health

Grades go up and down, that's just how it is
Performance go up and down, it happens all the time
Sometimes it's okay to just chill and take a break
cause there's always the right time for everything

If you're a guy, drink up with your friends and forget about it! (Alright!)
If you're a girl, chat it up with your friend and forget about it! (Alright!)

Look Mr.Simple Simple, you're great the way you are
Look Miss Simple Simple, you're beautiful the way you are
Look Mr.Simple Simple, you're great the way you are
Look Miss Simple Simple, you're beautiful the way you are

Let's go let's go, let's turn around if there's a dead end
If you're too stressed, let's take a break and just chill all day
I'm only gonna be exhausted if I keep sprinting in this rough world
Wait and save up your energy cause your day will come soon

Blow your mind, let's go Mr.Simple
Blow your mind, the time has come, don't be scared
Blow your mind, let's go Mr.Simple
Blow your mind, the time has come, you're ready

Even a kid knows that we're living in a world full of dillemas
Why is it so hard? All we need to do is eat well, sleep well, and do well

If you're pissed, gossip about your friends and forget about it! (Alright!)
If you're frustrated, shout and scream a song and forget about it! (Alright!)

Look Mr.Simple Simple, you're great the way you are
Look Miss Simple Simple, you're beautiful the way you are
Look Mr.Simple Simple, you're great the way you are
Look Miss Simple Simple, you're beautiful the way you are

What's the big deal about freedom? Just get it, get it!
Have fun with some aberration
Do you wanna feel alive? Just grab it, grab it!
Talk about the dreams that my heart is running to

Don't worry anymore, the good day will come, so forget about serious matters
Just smile today! Cause you're smile makes everyone happy

Look Mr.Simple Simple, you're great the way you are
Look Miss Simple Simple, you're beautiful the way you are
Look Mr.Simple Simple, you're great the way you are
Look Miss Simple Simple, you're beautiful the way you are

Let's go let's go, let's turn around if there's a dead end
If you're too stressed, let's take a break and just chill all day
I'm only gonna be exhausted if I keep sprinting in this rough world
Wait and save up your energy cause your day will come soon

-cr: LoveKPopSubs6-

Berbagai opini keluar dari masyarakat dan berpendapat kalo lagu ini biasa aja, ga lebih bagus dari sorry sorry dan bonamana *termasuk gw* Tapi pada akhirnya gw merasa lagu ini beda dari dua hits mereka sebelumnya. Musiknya memang bagus, yaaa hanya sebatas "bagus", gak sampe mengagumkan ataupun luar biasa, tapi gw harus mengakui kalo ternyata kekuatan lagu ini justru ada di liriknya. Gw senang ketika menemukan arti dari lagu ini dan mendapati kalo ternyata lagu ini ga bercerita tentang kehidupan percintaan *cape dengerin lagu cinta mlulu, bikin galau! :P*, tapi justru bercerita tentang kehidupan sehari-hari yang memang dialami oleh semua orang di dunia ini. Lewat lagu ini, Super Junior mengajak semuanya untuk menjalani hidup dengan lebih santai, pokoknya nikmati aja semua hal yang terjadi di hidup ini, entah itu hal buruk ataupun hal baik. Bagian terbaik lagu ini gw rasa ada di bait awal: You can't just get angry cause the world is not going the way you want it to be, you don't need to! Kebanyakan masyarakat jaman sekarang kurang fleksibel dan ga puas sama apa yang terjadi di dunia ini, apalagi kalo yang terjadi itu ga sesuai sama keinginan mereka. Mereka terbiasa untuk egois dalam menjalani kehidupannya. Singkat kata: kebanyakan ngeluh!
Bagi gw pribadi, lagu ini bisa banget jadi moodbooster saat gw mulai cape sama masalah-masalah yang gw alami, baik di kampus, rumah, ataupun masalah sama diri gw sendiri. Lagu ini bisa jadi motivator dan penyemangat supaya gw ga cepet nyerah karena dinamika hidup itu pasti ada, yang perlu diinget: akan datang saat yang tepat untuk kita mengalami semuanya.
So, just smile cause your smile makes everyone happy! :) 

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